upgrade router software

Upgrade Your Router/Access Point Software for Better WIFI Performance

Does your business have WIFI? The software on your router may need to be upgraded. According to US-CERT
US-CERT has become aware of several key management vulnerabilities in the 4-way handshake of the Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) security protocol. The impact of exploiting these vulnerabilities includes decryption, packet replay, TCP connection hijacking, HTTP content injection, and others. Note that as protocol-level issues, most or all correct implementations of the standard will be affected. The CERT/CC and the reporting researcher KU Leuven, will be publicly disclosing these vulnerabilities on 16 October 2017.
What this means is, you should update the software on your WIFI access points/Routers at home or work. In some cases you may need to purchase new equipment if your hardware vendor is no longer creating patches.
The staff at Lexington Computer support can answer any questions and assist you with upgrading your WIFI Security.  Dont become a victim! Give us a call today or visit our website www.lexingtoncomputersupport.com  or call us at (859) 219 2006